The official presentation of paintings, painted with coffee instead of colours, took place in the late 1990s, due to the artists from India and Thailand. Today, the largest number of coffee painters are Brazil, Italy and the United Kingdom. Some of them copy masterpieces of world painting, some of them are attracted by caricatures, and some like to depict almost everything.
You can also try to draw something with coffee. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to grind the coffee as small as possible, so that the crumbs do not stick to the paper. Or use instant coffee – it gives a more intense color. Also use paint brushes, a dense watercolor paper, pure water and a frame with glass. Let the solution to brew in order it become homogeneous. For a darker and deeper tint of the picture, you need to brew a solution a couple of days, and for a lighter one just dilute it with water.
Draw a dry picture with a fine brush, add any elements at will. After it completely dries, put it into the frame with the glass, which will protect against moisture ingress. Now you can admire your creation, enjoying a cup of freshly prepared Porto Rosso.