Few things in Italy change as slowly as the price of a cup of coffee. Over 15 years, it ranges from 50 cents to 1.8 euro and averages some 1 euro. This is 2.5 times less than the Europe-wide average.
The minimum average cost of coffee (75 cents) is registered in Messina, while the maximum one (1.11 euro) – in Bolzano and Modena. Just a further proof that the Italian North is more expensive than the South. As to bar owners, they will be none the worse off for it, because the own cost of a cup of coffee in Italian bars is 33 cents or less.
By the way, excellent coffee is available not only in the Apennines. You can always cheer yourself up with a cup of flavored Porto Rosso. Intense taste, deep flavor, and an affordable price – these are the ingredients the coffee drinker’s pleasure is made of.